Christmas Laser Light
Christmas Laser Light
Decorate your house and landscape with the Christmas LaserLight Projector everyone is talking about! Simply plug inthe included UL Power adapter into any standard outlet, andwatch everything be covered in dazzling lights! NineAdjustable Light Patterns: Red/Green, Red, and Green eachin steady glow, slow blinking, fast blinking. Use theincluded ground stake to easily set up and display anywherein your yard. Includes laser light with 64 inch power cord,and one stake. Control button and light sensor located onback of laser light. Project a vibrant Christmas patternanywhere, powerful laser-lit pattern projects up to 98 feet,adjustable for easy placements in your garden, light sensoractivation, auto on at night, and auto off in daylight.Laser light swivels when attached to ground stake. Input -AC 120v 60Hz 10W. Indoor/Outdoor use. This is not a toy; fordecorative use only. Only point lighting toward a fixedstructure; do not look directly into the light, can causeeye damage. Measurements when attached to stake - 13.5 in. x5.5 in. x 4.5 in. . Plastic.